01. Why we do what we do

Thanks for reading the very first Lux Bay blog post! We have decided to start a blog as we believe it’s important to give customers and anyone with a general interest in us an opportunity to know a little more about us. We’ll post here on a fortnightly basis and aim to keep the posts within a 500 wordcount (so we don’t bore you all!). Additionally, we’re really experienced in providing live music and we are in the fortunate position of being able to offer advice to anyone who needs it, whether that’s a bride trying to decide what music will be right for her wedding, a party organiser looking to ensure the night is a success or a corporate client deciding how best to keep an expectant client base entertained. But more of that in future posts!


We won’t go into our backgrounds in depth as you can read about that in the ‘about us section of the website. The one key message we do want to share in this first post is the primary reason we do what we do, namely we both have a huge love of music. Without that, there is no point in offering our services to people. A genuine love of music ensures every gig is a pleasure rather than a chore and this shines through during a live performance. We love what we do and we love working with clients to ensure each booking is tailored to exact requirements. Those who know us both well know that we are very laid back and easy going whilst recognising that we balance that with absolute professionalism and reliability (again, more of that in a future post). We feel truly blessed to have shared so many special occasions with those kind enough to have booked us and we look forward to continuing to do so for many years to come. Whether it’s music during a ceremony, a laid-back acoustic set or an energetic party set, we enjoy every single minute of being Lux Bay.


As we’re getting dangerously close to our self-imposed word count, we’ll bring the first Lux Bay blog post to a close! We hope you’ve found this interesting and whilst we have lots of ideas for content, we’d really welcome your thoughts if there’s anything in particular you’d like to know about us or if you have any questions you’d like us to answer. If that’s the case, please send us a brief e-mail and we’ll aim to cover all requests within future blog posts. Thanks for reading and see you in a fortnight!


Becci and Mick


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