02. How we select our set-lists

Selecting set lists / songs to perform is probably the most important (and difficult!) element of playing live music, especially when our main client base is weddings, private parties, corporate events and suchlike. This is considerably different to pub bands who are usually able to play the music they love, no matter how niche, and find a target audience for it, whereas the bare minimum our clients expect is a set containing songs which the vast majority of their guests will know.


Since day one, our aim has been to deliver sets containing a huge range of genres and artists which most people will know and love. We liken our party set to the type of set you would expect a wedding DJ to play during the peak party times of 10pm – 11.30pm, i.e. the stage of the night when limbs tend to loosen a little and party-goers hit the dancefloor! Our acoustic sets give us a little more scope to experiment a little but we still select every song with clients / the audience in mind. These sets allow us to put our own spin on classic tunes in a ‘live lounge’ style every now and again (as a quick glance at our set-list graphics will show) but we don’t do this excessively as we wouldn’t want to fill an entire set with covers of this nature. Again, the sole aim is to perform songs which the vast majority of people will know, even if sets of this nature are often backing music.


As discussed in Lux Bay’s first blog post, this is where our genuine love of music is of huge benefit. We both love everything from 50’s/60’s through to present day chart music, along with a healthy smattering of Indie, Disco, Rock, Soul/Motown, pop and all points in-between. We aim to deliver hugely diverse sets which truly have something for everyone. We also aim to learn any songs which are really special to our clients, especially where first dances at weddings are concerned. We haven’t been outfoxed by any requests yet and we have added some wonderful songs to our regular repertoire by doing this.


Time to draw another blog post to a close. Thanks very much for reading and, as always, please do get in touch if there’s anything you’d like to ask us or anything you’d like us to address as a future blog post.


Becci and Mick

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