We certainly think so!
As mentioned in our recent Facebook post, the seasonal change can bring vibrant new colours to the trees, thoughts of the upcoming holidays and festivities 🎃 🎄, cosy nights in with our loved ones and toasted marshmallows by the fire….. But, for some, it can also bring cold, wet journeys to work, loneliness and also darkness.
With the addition of COVID-19 it is likely to be an extremely difficult time for many and so we have been looking into ways of ‘beating the blues’, more specifically by the use of music (no surprises there!).
Needless to say, music has played an important role for both of us in our everyday lives, but even more so now during the pandemic, what with local lockdowns, isolation and working from home. Music helps us relax, lifts our mood, gives us a much needed energy boost, inspires/encourages us when we are feeling ‘flat’ and helps us to switch off when we are overwhelmed.
Whether it’s listening to a favourite album, a new discovery from a particular artist you love, or a nostalgic theme tune to something that makes you smile, it is clear that music helps many of us during difficult or stressful times.
Alongside listening to music, creating and learning new music is also extremely therapeutic for us.
If you’ve ever considered taking up an instrument and are isolating or simply in need of switching off the world, we would urge you to give it a go! There are lots of incredible beginners tutorials online as well as professional one-to-one lessons in music schools or via video call.
In writing this blog, it got us thinking how we could maybe help others feeling a little low and in need of a ‘pick me up’.
We would usually have an abundance of gigs lined up over the winter period. Alongside our gorgeous winter weddings, we would have had our annual festive public gigs, gorgeous local Christmas fayres (usually starting with the lovely Spring Cottage, bonfire parties, Halloween themed afternoon tea events and more…. But, sadly, this year is going to be different 😢.
Due to the pandemic we are going to have to put our time & talents to use elsewhere – online!
If we can help brighten just one person’s day by performing a favourite tune or special song, then that’s what we intend to do!
So, here goes…. Send your song requests to: [email protected], or respond via the comments section of this Facebook post, and we will do our very best to include them in a ‘live feed’ from our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LuxBayDuo) in December!
We hope you’re all safe and keeping well. Take care and best wishes.
Becci & Mick