Here you will find details of Lux Bay’s most popular packages. However, should you require something a little more bespoke, we will gladly tailor these to meet your exact requirements. Please do contact us for an informal, no-obligation chat and quote.
Wedding ceremony
Tailored to your exact requirements, our wedding ceremony set is bespoke and guaranteed to enhance those special, lifelong lasting memories. Typically, this set will see us set up at your church / venue and play a beautiful range of music as your guests arrive. We will play songs which are special to you and your partner as you make your entrances and we also typically play during the signing of the register and as you leave the church / venue. We will discuss every element of this with you to ensure we deliver exactly what you require.

Wedding breakfasts / champagne receptions
A wonderful accompaniment to your champagne reception / wedding breakfast, we will deliver a stunning 60 – 90 minute set which will add an undoubted wow factor to your wedding. Playing a wide range of classic love songs, contemporary hits in a live-lounge style, and our own unique interpretations of popular songs, this set will create a stunning ambiance guaranteed to make your day truly memorable. Never intrusive, we always ensure the volume of this set is just right to ensure you and your guests can enjoy our music without being too loud – just what is required during this part of the day.

Early evening set
An extremely popular package, this is the perfect way to entertain your guests during the time which falls between your wedding reception and the start of the evening entertainment. Why leave your guests in limbo for an hour or so, typically whilst your room is set up for the evening party, when Lux Bay could bridge the gap? Allow us to keep the day running smoothly and seamlessly by entertaining your guests with a 60 minute set of sing-along classics. Whilst we will gladly tailor this set to your specific requirements, we really do find that our acoustic set (i.e. without the use of backing tracks) works perfectly at times such as these, sufficiently warming your guests up to hit the dance-floor as soon as the DJ set kicks in!

Let us tailor our packages to meet your exact needs
Whilst these are our most popular packages, we will gladly tailor/combine them to deliver the ultimate package for you. We pride ourselves as much on our flexibility as we do our professionalism and we gain a great deal of satisfaction from delivering bespoke packages for our clients. Please do get in touch to discuss how we can help make your special day an event you and your guests will remember for ever.